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		                                    Temple Ramat Zion's Sisterhood		                                </span>
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		                                    Temple Ramat Zion's Sisterhood		                                </span>
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		                                    Temple Ramat Zion's Sisterhood		                                </span>

Temple Ramat Zion's Sisterhood

TRZ Sisterhood has a long tradition of service and leadership in our Synagogue and in the broader Jewish community. In planning programming for the year, we balance the need for stimulating intellectual and enjoyable social activities, within the framework of our development as Jews, and service to our temple and community.

All women who are members of TRZ are considered members of the Sisterhood. We are affiliated with Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, an international organization of multi-generational women dedicated to family, synagogue, community and broad world issues. We practice Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam in our commitment to strengthen the future of Judaism. We support the training of Rabbis, Cantors and leaders through Women’s League Torah Fund. For this purpose, we create and produce a yearly play that brings major funding for Torah Fund, besides being our highlight event.

Come enjoy one of our many programs or help plan something new. Help us prepare delicious meals for the congregation or serve an Oneg or Kiddush lunch. Purchase gift cards or visit our Judaica Shop. 

There’s something for everyone within TRZ Sisterhood and we invite you to give us a try!  For questions about how you can join TRZ Sisterhood, please call the Temple office at  818-360-1881

Torah Fund and Women's League


Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785