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Regular Services Times

Our doors are open to all who seek to worship, learn and serve the community.

Services at  TRZ are a learning experience.  During the service members of the Minyan are encouraged to raise their hand if they have a question regarding the structure of the service, the meaning of a prayer, the interpretation of the Torah portion or a comment regarding the practice of Judaism.

Our goal is to broaden the understanding of Judaism.  And through better understanding establish each individual’s relationship with G-d.  Join us to experience our interactive service.  Come learn with us.

  • Thursday Minyan @ 7:00am in the Al Levy/Manny Rubinfeld Chapel (Registration Required)
  • Regular Friday Kabbalat Shabbat @ 6:00pm in the Sanctuary (In person and youtube)
  • One Friday Kabbalat Shabbat @ 7:30pm in the Sanctuary (In person and on youtube) 
  • Saturday Shabbat Services @ 9:00am in the Sanctuary (In person and on Zoom)
  • Sunday Minyan @ 8:30am in the Al Levy/Manny Rubinfeld Chapel (In person - Registration is Required)

Shabbat Services

TRZ weekly services are for congregants of all ages. Under the guidance of Rabbi Sela, Torah readings are not just an opportunity to say the weekly portion, but to examine it in new and interesting ways. Congregants are encouraged to participate in Torah readings, our guest Darshan program, and in many other ways throughout the year. Our “no shushing” policy in the sanctuary exists so families know their children are both welcome at and encouraged to attend services. Additionally, each Erev Shabbat finds different happenings at TRZ. The first Friday of every month is Early Shabbat, so families can enjoy time together afterwards. On the second Friday, we take time to acknowledge any members celebrating an anniversary that month. Each month’s third Friday is Shabbat Sings, when our choir and musical accompaniment add a little pop, a little rock, and a lot of soul. If you have little ones, come early for Tot Shabbat. We set time aside on the fourth Friday of the month to acknowledge our members celebrating their birthdays. Throughout the year, other events, celebrations and happenings are going on. For a complete listing of Shabbat events, please check out our calendar on the TRZ website.

If you are interested in reading the Torah during a service, please send your request to the Cantor through

Tot Shabbat - BimBam Bimah

Join us for a fun-filled service for young children and their parents, filled with music, singing and storytelling. Tot Shabbat occurs twice a month, once on a Friday evening and once on a Saturday morning.

Shabbat Under The Stars

During the summer, TRZ takes its Friday night services outside to enjoy the nighttime air. Shabbat Under the Stars is a beautiful way to welcome the Shabbat and refresh your soul in a family friendly atmosphere.

Weekday Services

TRZ maintains a regular minyan on Sunday and Thursday mornings. Led by Rabbi Sela, services take place in the Al Levy/Manny Rubinfeld chapel.

High Holiday Services

During the High Holy days, TRZ truly comes together as one community. Instead of opting for different services at different times of the day, Temple Ramat Zion opens the divide between the sanctuary and social hall, relocating the bimah between the two for an all-inclusive service. Our outstanding choir joins with Cantor Friedman to start the New Year in joyous song. While children are welcome, there are also separate services and activities for children of religious school age, a short preschool age service, and babysitting is available.

Other Services

From festivals, to religious school class Shabbats, to Thanksgiving interfaith services, TRZ offers a wide variety of ways to enrich your Jewish experience. Check our calendar online for the latest events.

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785