Join TRZ
Welcome to Temple Ramat Zion of Northridge
Our synagogue is an exciting and active place, and we pride ourselves on being a warm and caring community. Temple Ramat Zion is many things for our congregants: a spiritual place to worship, a place to learn about and experience our amazing Jewish tradition, an inviting location to meet and enjoy time with friends, a place for teens to enrich their Jewish identity, a wonderful Early Learning Center, a helping hand to those in need, and so much more. It is also a place of exploration, where we can seek that which moves and excites us religiously and intellectually.
At Temple Ramat Zion, we honor the tradition of lifelong learning, starting from our Early Learning Center, to the Religious School, to our outstanding Adult Education program. We offer a variety of worship services, including special musical services with guest musicians, and many opportunities for everyone to participate. We have recently remodeled our social hall, our sanctuary and installed solar panels to lower our environmental impact. Temple Ramat Zion started at its current location in a home in the 1960’s and has flourished into the wonderful synagogue we have today.
Why Should I Join Temple Ramat Zion?
Temple Ramat Zion offers wonderful opportunities where you can grow spiritually and intellectually, enrich your Jewish identity, and engage in meaningful acts of social justice. You can share holidays and joyous occasions, and count on our caring community for support in times of need.
The benefits of belonging to Temple Ramat Zion:
- The privilege of pastoral care (including the counsel and support of our clergy for life cycle events and in times of difficulty and bereavement)
- Eligibility for enrollment of your children in Religious School
- Member discount fees at our Early Learning Center
- Opportunities to participate in many programs and events
- Member discounts to USY and Kadima youth programs
- Member discounts on classes and events
- Member discounts for Shabbat and holiday dinners
Our intention is to build an enduring connection with you and your family, and to help you make your membership at Temple Ramat Zion a meaningful and lasting part of your lives. If you have questions about how we might help you become part of the synagogue, or to make your time in our synagogue more enriching, please be in touch with us. For more information email us at
Will I fit in at Temple Ramat Zion?
Temple Ramat Zion's membership is diverse. Some of us are single, some are married with young children, some are empty nesters, and some are retirees. We have an active Men's Club, Sisterhood, Chavurah Program, Choir, and more. Some people join Temple for worship, some join for education, some join to send their children to our Early Learning Center, or Religious School, and others join to make new friends or be with old friends. For most, there are a variety of reasons. Whoever you are, there is a place for you at Temple Ramat Zion.
How can I get involved?
There is a lot for you to do at TRZ! Aside from regular worship at Temple, we have a variety of programs, service projects and much more. TRZ also has a number of committees that are crucial to helping us fulfill our mission and could use volunteers.
How often do you have services?
We have Shabbat services every Friday evening and Saturday morning. Holiday services (Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Purim, Passover, Shavuot, Tisha Be’Av) are held every Holiday morning, and some evenings. We have weekday minyans on Sunday and Thursday mornings.
For a schedule of our services and more information, please click here.
What is the Bar or Bat Mitzvah program like at Temple Ramat Zion?
At Temple Ramat Zion, we pride ourselves on the one-on-one attention we devote to our students and see the preparation process culminating in the service as a transformative experience. Preparation begins in our Religious School, which students can join as early as Kindergarten. Starting about 10 months before the celebration, our Hazzan begins meeting with students to help them prepare for leading the congregation's worship service and read Torah and a Haftarah portion, along with once a week meetings with a tutor. Six months out, students meet one-on-one with our Rabbi to discuss and learn about a variety of topics, including the lessons from their Torah and Haftarah portion, ways they can serve other people, and other questions that students have.
What type of Religious School Program does TRZ offer?
Religious School at Temple Ramat Zion is more than just “school.” It is a home. It is a community. It is a partnership between families and Jewish educators. Your children will learn a great deal about Judaism; they will bring home questions, ideas, new words and traditions. We invite you to engage and enhance this Jewish experience with your children at home through conversations, rituals at home, and participation in programs at TRZ.
What youth programming do you have for children outside educational programming?
TRZ’s Youth Department is made up of two active groups, Kadima for 4th-6th graders and USY (United Synagogue Youth) for 7th-12th graders. Our groups participate in a variety of lounges and events for ages 4th through 12th grade. Our 4th through 6th graders have comedy nights, creative project nights, team challengers, a sleepover, game nights, holiday inspired lounges, bingo, and more. Our 7th through 12th graders go on weekend adventures with jewish teens from all over the Southwest, team challenges, participate in social action days, dress up nights, movie sing-a-Longs, game shows, improv, Israel lounges, and more. If you have any questions, please contact Danielle Stein, Youth Director, at
I don't have school-age kids (or kids at all), and worship isn't my thing. What else is there?
All sorts of things! TRZ offers adult education classes and special speakers on Jewish subjects. There are even book clubs and Yiddish classes. TRZ also organizes special trips to Jewish cultural events, and social events like Game Day. TRZ has regular opportunities to help those less fortunate from our food pantry to knitting baby blankets, to Mitzvah Day. There is something for everyone.
I don't know anyone at Temple. Is it easy to meet people?
We're a very friendly group of people. Come by and meet us. The best way to get to know people, though, is to find an area of Temple and get involved.
How do I join? What about membership commitments?
The process of joining is easy. Simply click here and fill out the membership form, or call the temple office at 818-360-1881 and we will help you out. While we ask that everyone help support the Temple financially, no one is denied membership for an inability to pay. You may speak confidentially with our Financial Aid Committee, to apply and make a mutually acceptable arrangement regarding membership dues.