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Lifecycle Events

Baby Naming/Brit Milah

Among the most joyous events at TRZ is the welcoming of a new child into the covenant through a Brit Milah (also known as bris or ritual circumcision) or a baby naming. The Rabbi and Cantor happily co-officiate with a mohel at a Brit Milah when male children are circumcised on their 8th day of life and given their Hebrew name. For girls, a baby naming ceremony can be conducted at any age. Whether simple or elaborate, in a private in-home ceremony, or as part of a Shabbat service at the temple, TRZ can help make the occasion special.

B'nai Mitzvah

TRZ offers a comprehensive B’nai Mitzvah program administered by our Cantor. Our peer-tutoring program pairs students with an older teen throughout their course of study. The Cantor and Rabbi work to prepare students for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration, building upon the groundwork established within our religious school program. Each B’nai Mitzvah learns to conduct prayers, read from the Torah, chant the Haftarah and deliver their special interpretation of what the Torah portion has taught them. Parents participate in the service, passing down the important Jewish meaning of this moment. Our goal is to help students hone their synagogue and Hebrew skills so they feel at home during services and achieve a greater sense of comfort in any synagogue during their lifetime.

Ashrei Academy

The Ashrei Academy is an exclusive club for those students who have demonstrated complete mastery of chanting the Ashrei. Members qualify by singularly chanting the Ashrei four times at a public service held at Temple Ramat Zion. Upon completion the student is granted membership into the Academy, receives a lapel pin, a $10.00 gift card to Menchies, as well as, a name plate on the Ashrei Academy Plaque of Recognition.

Adult B'nai Mitzvah

Temple Ramat Zion also offers members who may have missed out on a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or did not get to participate in all aspects of the service, the opportunity to participate in this important ritual and reaffirm their faith. This one-year program trains people to read Torah and Haftorah, chant various prayers, and deliver a sermon. Participants celebrate their B’nai Mitzvah in a joint ceremony in June, with each person participating in every part of the service.


TRZ is a beautiful venue for weddings, with options for performing the ceremony in our sanctuary or outdoors in our courtyard. The Rabbi and Cantor prepare couples for marriage during multiple meetings before their special day to create a ceremony tailored to the couple and discuss the commitment they are making to one another. Couples can also arrange for an auf ruf on Shabbat to celebrate the upcoming marriage, where both bride and groom receive a special blessing from the Rabbi and Cantor, in the presence of the congregation during services.


Many individuals seeking a spiritual home find Judaism attractive. At TRZ we welcome all seekers to explore what Judaism offers. Recognizing that conversion is a challenging, powerful, and transformative undertaking, we are honored to offer our assistance during the journey. While TRZ occasionally offers conversion classes, our clergy are always happy to sponsor conversion candidates who study at any recognized conversion program.


Among the most sacred of Jewish duties is to comfort and assist the bereaved. When a death occurs, the Rabbi and Cantor help the family prepare for the funeral service and any Shiva minyans.

Our Sisterhood can also visit the home while the family is at the funeral and set up the Meal of Consolation and other items necessary for the Shiva.

TRZ also sends reminders to all members in advance of the yahrzeits (anniversary of the death) of their loved ones so that the family can know when to light the memorial candle and say the Mourner’s Kaddish. The names of all the deceased are read on Friday night and Saturday morning during Shabbat services of the week prior to their yahrzeit, in order to perpetuate their memory.

Click Here for "Meditations for Lighting the Yahrzeit Candle"

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785