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Our Clergy and Staff

Rav Ahud Sela

Originally from New Haven, CT. Rav Sela became an adopted Californian, receiving his undergraduate degree in biochemistry from UC Santa Barbara, where he also met his wife Alisha. After receiving his rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, he served as an assistant rabbi at Sinai Temple in Westwood under Rabbi David Wolpe.

Since joining Ramat Zion in 2010, Rav Sela has worked tirelessly to make this synagogue a dynamic and vibrant center of Jewish life that meets the needs of our members and our larger community, both spiritually and practically. His religious and academic interests are the connection between Judaism and social justice, our connection to the world and the environment, and the writings of the Chassidic masters. While attending rabbinical school, Rav Sela also received a Master’s Degree in Bioethics from the University of Pennsylvania and still often teaches on this subject.

Rav Sela’s wife Alisha is a native Angeleno with deep roots in the community. Her grandfather Rabbi Max Vorspan was a professor and administrator at the University of Judaism (now the AJU). Her father, Rabbi David Vorspan, teaches at de Toledo High School and is the rabbi for Congregation Shir Ami. Rav Sela and Alisha are the proud parents of Yael, Gavi, and Eitan, and as the parent he understands the importance of making Judaism accessible for everyone in our member families.

You can contact Rav Sela by emailing him at

Hazzan Daniel Friedman

Born and raised in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, Hazzan Daniel Eli Friedman was drawn to singing and the Cantorial Arts at a young age. His first mentor, Cantor Allan Michelson, z”l, of Adat Ari El began formally training Daniel when he was 16 years old as a Hazzan Sheini for the High Holidays. Upon graduating from UCLA with a BA in Theatre Arts and a minor in music, Daniel embarked on a 15 year career “making a living” (as his Bubbi loved to say) acting, singing and sometimes even dancing in such luminous Broadway National tours and NYC productions as Les Miserables, CATS, Forever Plaid, Laughter on the Second Floor and Falsettos, to name a few. While contracted with Forever Plaid in Las Vegas, Daniel found himself at a crossroads and realized there was a spiritual void in his life. “I started exploring congregational life again and Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah); the “why” we do what we do as Jews. It unlocked this part of my soul that had been yearning for real depth and expression,” he says. It was at this time that Daniel left behind the world of theatre and began preparing for a life on the bimah. Reuniting with his childhood voice teacher, Cantor Nathan Lam, he began his studies in the Cantorial Arts. Prior to moving back to Los Angeles, Daniel held the position of Cantor for the 650 family Conservative congregation Temple Beth Sholom of Las Vegas for ten years. In 2017, Hazzan Friedman earned his master’s degree in Sacred Music at the Academy for Jewish Religion,California (AJRCA). His Master’s Thesis on the Teaching of Torah Trope partially spawned the creation of a torah reading scheduling web application, and his congregational lay-led Torah chanting program, the YAD SQUAD, that was awarded the 2018 USCJ Schechter Award for “Excellence in Innovation.”  Through his company Hazzan Solutions,LLC he launched the re-imagined, web-based application for learning Trope called TropeTrainer and a lay-led chanting program scheduling application called Hazzan Friedman is a member of the Guild of Temple Musicians, Cantors Assembly and is currently serving a three-year term on the Executive Council of the Cantors Assembly. He is ordained by AJRCA and holds a Hazzan-Minister of the Jewish Faith Commission from the Cantors Assembly. In addition to his dedication to the more traditional aspects of the Cantorial Arts, Hazzan Friedman is always searching to inspire using music and bring innovating programming to the ears of his congregants.  As such, he is a sought-after producer and performer of concerts all over the United States. In his “down” time Daniel enjoys traveling, backpacking with his three children, reading historical thrillers, and spending time with the love of his life, Jodie Levy and her three children.

You can contact Cantor Friedman by emailing him at

Julia Levine, Religious School Director

Julia Levine was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley.  She has a Bachelor’s degree from University of California, San Diego with a double major in Judaic Studies and English Literature.  Julia continued exploring her love of Jewish education by earning a Certificate in Jewish Day School Teaching as a DeLeT: Day School Leadership through Teaching fellow.  In 2007, she received a Master’s degree in Jewish Education from the Rhea Hirsch School of Education at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles.

Julia has a passion for formal and informal Jewish education and spent 16 summers at Jewish summer camp as a camper, counselor, educator and administrator.  Before coming to work at Temple Ramat Zion, she worked for several years as the Experiential Educator at Sinai Temple in West Los Angeles.

Julia, her husband Adam, and their daughter Hannah and son Joshua are very happy to be learning from and with the Temple Ramat Zion community!

You can contact Julia by emailing her at

Danielle Newland, TRZ Program & Youth Director

Hello TRZ Community. I am so excited to be the TRZ Youth Director. It has always been a dream of mine to lead our youth group. I am also a fellow graduate of our lovely preschool and religious school. I became a bat mitzvah here and have been an engaged member of TRZ since. It is truly an honor to guide our inspiring young Jewish generation. There will be empowering events, community engagement, and Jewish discovery all throughout the year. I graduated from American Jewish University with a degree in psychology. In my little free time between school and work, I love to be outdoors. My husband Paul, our daughter Juniper and I love to go camping, hiking, or rafting in the near by mountains. When I am finally resting, it is usually at home with our two kiddos, our daughter and Binx, an all black cat with very mischievous attitude, or watching a crime, sci-fi or fantasy show, or painting at a nearby pottery studio with my girlfriends. 

You can contact Danielle by emailing her at

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785