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Book of Life

Dear Congregants and New Members:

Each year for Yom Kippur, Temple Ramat Zion prepares a “Book of Life” for the departed. The Book of Life is included in our prayer booklet that is used at Yiskor services.  The names listed on all the inside and outside Memorial Walls will be automatically printed in one section of the booklet.  Those who do not have Memorial Plaques for their loved ones can arrange listings in the Book of Life by making a donation to help defray the printing costs involved.  Permanent Memorial Plaques can be ordered by using the form on the TRZ Website.

Click here to print the form. If your list is the same as last year, note that on the form and forward your check or credit card information to the TRZ office, att: Book of Life. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Carol Maller: 818-772-9581 or email:

As you may know, before approaching the High Holy Days, tradition requires that we offer tzedakah in memory of our loved ones.

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785